Psalm 139:14
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
Come Worship With Us
Hello and welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church. Our service is at 9:30am on Sundays. Please, take some time to explore the diverse ways that we serve God, each other, and the community. Trinity is a colorful community of faith located in the Sunnyslope area of Phoenix. The congregation is a member of the Grand Canyon Synod, part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. If you are looking for a new church home or just visiting, we invite you to join us. Please join us for any gatherings our congregation offers and may God bless you this day.
July 4th was Trinity's Mortgage Burning! We are mortgage free!
Pastor Karl Guhn Biography
I was born in Mt. Holly, NJ in 1956. I have one older sister and two younger sisters. As a family we had one period away from Mt. Holly, from 1966-1970. During that time, we lived on Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands. For me that was quite an adventure! I graduated from High School in Mt. Holly and attended Dana College in Blair, NE. From Dana I went to Seminary at what is now Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. I was ordained in 1982.
I served two churches in my first call outside of Alexandria, MN and then two others in Massachusetts and Connecticut. In 1990 I entered hospital Chaplaincy training and served in that capacity until 2004. I returned to the Parish in Billings, MT from 2004-2011. I then became the head of Pastoral Care in a senior living community until I retired in 2023.
I am married to Peg. It is the second marriage for us both. She has four grown children, and I have a son who lives in North Platte, NE. We have been married for 21 years. We moved to Arizona last year to be closer to her 9yr old granddaughter.
Pastor Ruby's Farewell Service
August 12, 2024
We will miss her greatly.
Trunk or Treat
October 29th, 2022
About Trinity
Trinity Lutheran Church was incorporated on November 10th, 1948 and looks forward to praising God for many more years. While the good news of Jesus may stay the same, Trinity continues to grow, and we are committed to trusting God and deepening relationships with Him. We strive to be more than just members of a faith-based community, but we strive to be disciples who walk together on our life Journeys.
Our Staff
Karl Guhn Intentional Interim Pastor
AnnaMaria Colin Office Administrator
Ruth Texidor Bookkeeper
Susan Meintel Grant Writer
Jo Ambrose, RN Parish Nurse
Vacant Music Accompanist
Devalyn McZeal Caretaker
Don Brethauer Security Guard
Church Council
Jeff Schultz President
Kelsey Andersen Vice-President
Noreen Baldwin Treasurer
Diane Secosky Secretary
Susan Meintel Administrator
Linda Koschney At-Large
Laurie Schulz At-Large
Pastor Karl Guhn Executive Officer
How To Use Zelle For Online Church Offerings
You may continue to submit your offering with cash or check in an envelope. However, if you have a computer or smartphone, you may want to consider changing to online giving. You have 2 choices for online giving to Trinity. Please consider using Zelle, which is available at most US Banks. There are currently no fees to transfer funds with Zelle at most banks. Trinity will continue to accept offerings through PayPal, but fees with every transfer have increased, so this decreases the value of your offering.
What is Zelle®?
Zelle® is a fast and convenient way to send and receive money with people or small businesses you know and trust who have a bank account in the U.S. For more information and a list of participating banks, go to Get Started with Zelle® and search for your bank. You can find your bank and enroll in Zelle through this site or enroll directly through your bank as outlined below.
Is It Safe?
Most banks will offer to text or call you with a one-time verification code when you sign in or ask to transfer funds. Always choose this option to enhance security.
Unfortunately, there are Zelle scammers. If you receive a phone call saying there is a problem with your Zelle transfer, hang up and call your bank directly. NEVER give your verification code, account numbers, or online banking access information to anyone. Banks will NEVER call and ask you for account information or ask you to transfer funds to yourself. Scam callers can be very friendly & convincing. It's OK for you to be rude.
Follow directions on your bank's website for Zelle enrollment or activation. This is an example.
Sign into your bank's website on a computer (e.g. chase.com, wellsfargo.com, etc). Or download the mobile app from your bank onto your smartphone.
Click on the "Pay & Transfer" menu and click on Zelle or choose "Send Money With Zelle".
Accept the service agreement and choose "Next".
Verify your email address by entering the one-time activation code the bank sends you via text, email, or phone call.
Choose "Done" or "Next", and you're ready to use Zelle®. You will need to add Trinity as a Zelle recipient. Proceed as described below.
Go to your bank's online site on your computer or mobile app on your smartphone.
Go to "Transfer Funds with Zelle" and follow directions.
Recipient must have Zelle set up in their account using their email or mobile phone number. You will need to enter Trinity as a recipient using Ruth's email: bookkeeper@tlcphx.org, which is automatically affiliated with Trinity Lutheran Church of Maricopa. Once entered as a recipient, this will remain in your system as a transfer choice.
Choose your recipient's email or phone number.
Enter the amount you want to send and click on transfer.
Make sure you are sending the right amount to the right place as you cannot reverse the transfer once sent. Spell Ruth's email correction with 2 "o's", 2 "k's" and 2 "e's" back to back to back, as "bookkeeper" is spelt as is. Call your bank if you make a mistake.
You will receive an email verifying the transfer. You can also click on Activity under Zelle in your account to verify that the transfer went through and get reports.
With some banks, you can set up Zelle to automatically transfer money weekly or monthly.
Select "Send Money with Zelle". Under "Enter Amount", select Change, and then choose Frequency to set up your recurring payment. Keep in mind, recurring payments are sent with Standard delivery (1-3 business days).
You will receive an email when money is automatically transferred. Click on Activity under Zelle in your online account to check on how much money you send and when. Should you have any questions or need assistance, Laurie or Mali Schulz can answer those question and help assist you in setting up Zelle. A number of other parishioners also use Zelle.